We’ve created a solution that provides flexible and compliant pre-tax benefits and COBRA administration backed by industry-leading support. Our solution is a single platform experience that is fully brandable, configurable, and compliant. We also offer intelligent integrations with carriers, benefit admin systems, payroll providers, PEOs, and more!


Why COBRA Compliance Matters The costs of failing to comply with COBRA can be staggering. It can include…

Form 5500 Filing

Preparing and Filing Your Group Benefits Plan ERISA plans with over 100 participants must file Form 5500…

ACA Reporting

We Make ACA Reporting Easy OCA's partnership with MZQ also includes ACA reporting to provide our clients…

Non-Discrimination Testing

What is Non-Discrimination Testing? In order to provide tax savings, Cafeteria Plans (and their component…

Premium Only Plan

Employer Advantages in a POP Plan With the POP, the employer provides the same insurance coverage…

ERISAExpress Wrap Documents

Wrap Documents Made Easy! The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires group…

Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA)

How does a Commuter Account work? There are two types of commuter accounts: mass transit and parking…

Dependent Care Account (DCA)

How does a Dependent Care Account (DCA) work? A DCA lets employees use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible…

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

What is an FSA? A flexible spending account (FSA) is an employer-sponsored benefit that lets employees…

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)

How does an HRA work? Our HRA solution provides flexibility for employers to create a benefit design…

Health Savings Account (HSA)

How does an HSA work? As employers and consumers continue to face cost pressures and adopt high deductible…

Specialty HRAs

Understanding the different HRA options Health coverage is a focus for many employers as they look for…

Full-Service Wrap Document

Any ERISA Wrap Plan Document can be used to “check the box” on a plan implementation checklist, but…


OCA strategic partnership with TouchCare, the premier healthcare concierge service company allows us…

MyLife Spending Accounts

What is a MyLife Spending Account? Not every employee has the same lifestyle needs. The OCA MyLife Spending…

Direct Billing

Why COBRA Compliance Matters The costs of failing to comply with COBRA can be staggering. It can include…